The harbor seal, belonging to the Phocidae family, is a so-called non-threatened species according to the IUCN red list at the global level. In effect
Phoca vitulina
is a medium-sized population but benefits from the protection status of the Bern International Convention of 1979 (Appendix III). The global estimate is approximately 610,000-640,000 individuals, divided into 5 different subspecies depending on their location. In the North East Atlantic, we find the subspecies
Phoca vitulina vitulina
In France, this subspecies has the status of marine mammal protected at the national level by Annex II and V of the Habitats-Fauna-Flora Directive, and is qualified as an endangered population by the criteria of the IUCN.
In the mid-1980s, there were 98,000 harbor seals in the eastern Atlantic. By then, populations had recovered after sometimes intensive hunting and population control programs. In 1988, there was a significant mortality of this species following a viral epidemic: there was a drop of up to 50% in the population within certain groups in the south-east of Great Britain.